Post by ras Feel Flashman on Dec 14, 2006 11:45:59 GMT 1
Contradictions like these (on one hand: "Thou shalt not kill" and on the other "And in the night He slay Israel's enemys with a donkey jarr bone", etc... ) made me to real-ize that Bible should not be taken litterally but spiritually: all chapters in the Bible are certain steps in the Kabbalistic spiritual nomenclature and that is a Iniversial concept of describing the spiritual growth of man: the tree of life representing the stages of spiritually of a person. So considering Bible as a spiritual guidance, one can real-ize that "killing your enemy" does not automatically means that his life should be taken: If your enemy becomes your friend or just stops to be an adversary, then that person is no longer your enemy, ànd you didn't take a life... Personally I'm from the old school, so I turned to roots reggae music because it provided me with answers to questions that I had, questions about the purpose of life, freedom of choice of expression, equal rights & security, equallty leading to peace and world-citizenship in PEACE! Thus, being a peacefull hippie and vegetarian, on a spiritual quest. Roots reggae music provided me with simple and straight answers; rastafarianism is also a kabbalistic philosophy and is based on the hidden shamanistic aspects of the Bible: visions of the prophets, a direct telephone line to Jah H.I.M. self! to be continued, ras Feel
Post by ras Feel Flashman on Dec 14, 2006 11:58:02 GMT 1
Bling bling is a devious weapon installed by the devil (capitalism cos 666 = $$$). I personally would use the gold to build tools and not a useless "hung around the neck" like a Willy Lynch tie rope or a slave chain, this also goes for the hinges some people hang in their nose, like is some kind of garage-port or something. Competition is war, capitalism is fascism, cos those who strive to have more material wealth as a token of power, than their neighbour, stand themselves superior and the others are looked upon as inferior: that is fascism, and a sin in the eyes of The Lord, who came unto I&I in this dispensation of time, in His Kingly Caracter; King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. His name is written in the Bible especcially in The Revelations of John (last chapter) where John had a vision of these times way back in the past. It is very interesting to read H.I.M.'s "Selected Speeches" of which very important quotations have been made and researched in the centennial editions of "Jahug" magazine... ras Feel
Post by King David on Dec 14, 2006 17:27:22 GMT 1
Post by Jah Rebel on Dec 14, 2006 18:12:59 GMT 1
Excerpt taken from an article on www.reggaenews.co.uk : Sizzla appears to have captured the full attention of most dancehall supporters, a natural thinker who is extremely versatile, thus he is able to control things on ether side of the fence. He has demonstrated on several occasions that he has the vision and the ability, to take both reggae and dancehall, in interesting directions at any given time. His uncompromising anti system and anti -Christ lyrics, have at times placed him in the cold, in relation to more rational thinking Rastafarians. He started out writing songs expressing the gut feeling, concerns and frustrations of the Inner City poor. Over the years he has consistently delivered a number of thought provoking songs, that have had Jamaicans singing at home and abroad. Songs such as " Black Woman and Child," Thank You Mama," and Dry Cry has made young Miguel Collins a household name internationally. He is seen within his community as both sinner and a saint, the community although divided politically, recognizes Sizzla's leadership capabilities not only as an entertainer, but also as a person who has assisted scores of people, irrespective of their political affiliations. Once seen as a minister of fire and 'brimstone, " due mainly to his "Bun Jesus, God and Lord" Campaign. A doctrine Sizzla is capable of revisiting musically, at any time for all it's controversial worth. The question being asked is Sizzla just as relevant a spokesman for the so-called under-classes, as he was five years ago? Miguel “Sizzla” Collins is undoubtedly an extremely gifted artiste; his ability to surpass the expectations of his peers is simply amazing. His fearless approach to life, and his never ending quest to establish new horizons musically, has made him exceptionally special, even among people who literally see hardcore dancehall as a deadly virus. Musically there are several sides to Sizzla, the social commentator, Sizzla the lover, making impassioned pleas to his woman to give all her love unconditionally, and the controversial Sizzla whose biting social commentary is usually aimed at the church, regardless of denomination. Subconsciously he is in constant search of a spiritual revolution, that at times crackles on the perimeters of blasphemy. What can not be explained is his ability to use controversy to his advantage, which places him light years ahead of the competition. Sister Sherrie an event consultant said, "No artiste can ignore the right of others to their religious beliefs. However, the feeling among extremist that their ill conceived concept of Rastafari is both the beginning and the end, as far as religion is concerned, threatens the tried and proven concept of Rastafari as an internationally accepted religion and way of life. Ites, Rebel
Post by fire-a-dept on Dec 15, 2006 14:07:11 GMT 1
Contradictions like these (on one hand: "Thou shalt not kill" and on the other "And in the night He slay Israel's enemys with a donkey jarr bone", etc... ) made me to real-ize that Bible should not be taken litterally but spiritually: all chapters in the Bible are certain steps in the Kabbalistic spiritual nomenclature and that is a Iniversial concept of describing the spiritual growth of man: the tree of life representing the stages of spiritually of a person. Dus als ik het goed snap komt het erop neer dat je zelf moet interpreteren en daaruit een juiste moraal distileren? Als dat zo is komt die interpretatie toch vanuit uw eigen persoon, dus maak je zelf je moraal? Waarom is de bijbel dan nodig als "spirituele leidraad"?
Post by Mikey Ché on Dec 15, 2006 15:06:22 GMT 1
Godsdienst/religie is opium voor het volk... of toch ongeveer.
Je moraal moet volgens mij gewoon ontstaan uit enerzijds de waarneming van je omgeving en anderzijds je eigen rationeel en emotioneel vermogen. Discussie en debat zijn daar volgens mij ook essentieel voor. Alle godsdienstige geschriften kunnen in dat opzicht enkel als gesprekspartner beschouwd worden, niet meer niet minder. Van zodra zulk iets wordt beschouwd als heilig en interpretatoren sterallures krijgen of worden toegemeten, gaat het fout en kunnen we volgens mij spreken van dogma's, onbegrip en navelstaarderij... met als voornaamste gevolgen haat, geweld en oorlog.
Godsdiensten, net zoals winstbejag, steeds in combinatie met enig egöïsme zijn ontegensprekelijk steeds de stevigste basisvereisten geweest van alle ellende in de wereld.
Ik bescouw m.a.w. de geschriften (gods-leer) als debat-partners... maar verwerp elke vorm van institutionalisering ervan (gods-dienst... n de vorm van kerken, geloofsgemeenschappen, ceremoniemeesters allerhande -priesters, imans, tot zelfs de bobo's...). Dat wil echter niet zeggen dat ik hen het recht ontneem om hun mening te verkondigen. Wanneer dit echter oproept tot zinloos geweld is het verwerpelijk. Verzet tegen onderdrukking staat immers niet altijd synoniem voor geweld, de macht van het getal moet democratisch spelen, naar mijn mening.
En dit staat dan nog los van het feit of je nu in "iets" gelooft of niet. Of je het bestaan van 'een" god nu in twijfel trekt of niet.
Free your mind!
(m.a.w. wanneer de bobo's oproepen tot geweldplegingen jegens holebi's is het voor mij verwerpelijk, wanneer ze oproepen tot verzet tegen het rijke en onderdrukkende establishment steun ik het - de strategie kan soms mss wel beter uitgewerkt worden maja)
Post by Me on Dec 15, 2006 16:04:44 GMT 1
Fire bun !!!!
Post by houstony3k on Dec 15, 2006 16:09:29 GMT 1
Post by fire-a-dept on Dec 15, 2006 18:33:04 GMT 1
Je moraal moet volgens mij gewoon ontstaan uit enerzijds de waarneming van je omgeving en anderzijds je eigen rationeel en emotioneel vermogen. Ik denk ook dat je moraal deels kunt afleiden uit je waarneming - als ik homo's verbrand, bevinden ze zich in een voor hen aversieve toestand: ze hebben pijn - maar toch is er zoiets als een "hoger principe" nodig. Want waarom zou ik anderen geen pijn mogen doen? De eigen rationaliteit en emotionaliteit zijn dan volgens mij weer niet per definitie goede richtsnoeren - de endlösung was zeer rationeel georganiseerd en deels gesteund door emoties van een deel van de bevolking. Fire bun !!!! De onfundeerbaarheid van de moraal? Of de apejaren? Umpf
Post by Jah Rebel on Dec 15, 2006 19:57:17 GMT 1
@ houstony3k:
I think it should read: Jamaica scared, dem!
Ites, Rebel
Post by houstony3k on Dec 15, 2006 20:40:34 GMT 1
duh.....man this topic goes far beyond my fun !!
Let's just stop this so called wisdom fuckery and those who love the dancehall...keep on loving it and those who love roots reggae keep on loving it.
Nice weekend to Y'all...
Post by fire a dept on Dec 15, 2006 21:17:27 GMT 1
Niemand heeft hier ook maar iets gezegd over wijsheid of geneuk - u niet te na gesproken, houston 3000
Post by iriedaily on Dec 15, 2006 21:58:36 GMT 1
Post by Me on Dec 15, 2006 22:44:39 GMT 1
Post by Jah Rebel on Dec 15, 2006 23:01:23 GMT 1
What? Now we are going to "You Tube-clash" or sth.? @ houstony3k : I know my reply to you was a cheap score, but I don't like slogans whatever they are used for... Ites, Rebel